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Whitehall-Robins to introduce Centrum Herbals

  A line of six standardized herbal supplements bearing the Centrum name will reach store shelves by mid-November. The line includes Centrum St. John’s wort, ginseng, echinacea, saw palmetto, ginkgo, and garlic. All products have been standardized featuring a patent-pending technology from PharmaPrint of Irvine, CA. For example, the ginkgo label states that the product provides 60 mg ginkgo, containing 24% ginkgo flavone glycosides and 6% terpene lactones as marker compounds, as well as ginkgolides A and B and amentoflavone as “natural actives.” Each 300 mg capsule of St. John’s wort contains markers of 0.3% total hypericin compounds and hyperforin (percent not listed), as well as the natural actives quercetin, amentoflavone, GABA, and proline. Echinacea (100 mg) capsules contain 3% total phenols as the marker and cichoric acid and isobutyl alkylamides as natural actives. Advertising will emphasize the “comfort and credibility” the Centrum name brings to the herbals industry. In-store promotions and point-of-purchase pamphlets with coupons will begin in December, with TV and print ads following soon after. Whitehall plans on expanding the line if sales for the first six products are promising.   
  F-D-C --“The Tan Sheet,” October 26, 1998.  
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