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Ginkgo compounds and the war on cellulite

Cellulitis is a condition associated with chronic venous insufficiency and venous stasis. Symptomatic relief can be achieved by topically applying substances that promote skin microcirculation and lipolysis. Since lipolysis is a process regulated by cAMP levels, the use of compounds that stimulate adenylate cyclase or that inhibit cAMP phosphodiesterase is one potential method of increasing lipolytic activity. A Ginkgo biloba fraction rich in dimeric flavonoids appears to exert anti-inflammatory and vasokinetic properties. Identified as GBDF, the fraction contains amentoflavone and biflavonoids including bilobetin, sequoiaflavone, ginkgetin, isoginkgetin and sciadopitysin, all of which differ in the position and number of methylated hydroxyl groups. In laboratory assays, GBDF inhibited cAMP phosphodiesterase (PDE) in a concentration dependent fashion. Degree of inhibition by individual biflavone compounds was inversely proportional to the number of methoxy groups on the compound, with sciadopitysin showing almost no anti-PDE activity and amentoflavone and bilobetin showing the most activity. Further studies are being undertaken to investigate the effect of these compounds on the biochemistry of intact fat cells.

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Bosisio S. Biflavones of Ginkgo biloba in cosmetics. Fitoterapia 1998; 69(5):33.

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